The Turps
A Call on the President
Nothing Happens in Brooklyn
Ethel’s Pops and Joe’s Uncle Tim
Brooklyn Is All Right
“Let Me Explain”
Beauty Clay and Shaving Soap
Diet and Exercise
Is Singing Necessary?
Short Pants
Cafe Society
United Kingdom Cuvee
The Louis-Schmeling Fight
The Cop Says Get Back There
At the Races
Red Fox Jacket
Ethel’s Uncle Dan and War
The Cop Says Turp Turp Turp
Ethel’s Pops and the Mustard Plaster
Ethel Sings Husky Musky Dusky
Ethel’s Pops Knocks the Government
Ethel’s Dream House
Laughter at the Movies
The End of the World
Sports Are Hypocrites
Corned Beef and Cabbage Night
Ethel and the Blonde Thing
Arriving Places
The Sunny South
Ethel’s Bathing Suit
Uncle Dan and the Baby Alligators
Uncle Dan and the Spies
Between Two Girls
Two Face
The Deb Sings Wuh Wuh Wuh
Bad Language
Ethel Wins a Dollar
Uncle Dan and the Fan Dancer
Wedding Anniversary
Liver and Onions
A Tough Audience for Underwear
Catching Cold
Ethel’s Pops and Danged Hard Times
Ethel’s Salad Bowl Hat
A Billion Dollars
Nice and Quiet, She Was
One of Those Things
Nice Fellow
The Rap
Weathering It
Belittling Ben
She’s a Dreamer
The Only Answer
The Crawleys
Larcenous Ladies
Sharing Secrets
The Danger of Being Polite
Barber’s Business
A Double Life
Fatherly Advice
A Rose by Any Other Name, Etc.
The Scab
If It Works the Way They Hope It Will